Research is showing that employees are demanding a different set of leadership skills and qualities from their managers than the traditional top down approach. In todays diverse workplace that is highly influenced by the younger generations there is a need for leaders to become more open, transparent, trustworthy and collaborative. As a result leaders need to become more mindful of how they show up and how they are perceived in terms of values, ethics and authenticity.
Greater insight into what makes them unique and how to bring more of their real self into how they lead, whatever leadership style is being used.
Greater trust and engagement with their staff, teams and stakeholders
An increase in genuine and open communication in meetings
Significant improvements in personal relationships
More presence in meetings, presentations and town halls
Improved conflict resolution
An overall sense of greater resilience and well being
Development of a supportive learning group, built on mutual trust and respect.
By creating a deliberate pause between stimulus and response an individual develops what is called ‘Response Flexibility’. Rather than acting on ‘auto-pilot’ as they may have done before, a leader then has a greater ‘Agility’ or ‘Range’ of styles, choices and decisions available to them in any given moment.
This skill is the underpinning of officer training at the world leading military academies of the UK. As the tempo and consequence increases, an air force pilot or army officer will deliberately pause, slow down their breathing and speech and consider a range of options before they act.
Using a sporting analogy Paul will create a tool kit for leaders to develop on the field skills as well as their ‘inner game’ – improving how they react and respond to the key moments of pressure, complexity or change.
“I feel more grounded / centred / balanced. The noise has been turned down and the thoughts which support effective decision making are clearer and easier to articulate to my team or more importantly to my family.”